Page 178 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 178

Screening Braid
      LWB INSTALITE     ®
      Super light, Tin or Nickel plated Copper
      Electromagnetic Screening Braid

  1   INSTALITE offers less weight than in a familiar
      metal braid technology. Offering up to 50%
      weight savings over traditional copper braids,
  2   INSTALITE lightweight braid has excellent
      electrical shielding performance over a wide
      frequency range. Made from high performance
  3   nickel plated high strength copper alloy.
      Since INSTALITE braid uses well established
  4   metal braiding, the transition from traditional
      braids to INSTALITE is easy. The product
      can be terminated with standard tooling and   RoHS
  5   installation procedures for existing backshells   compliant
      and band straps, making it easy to introduce it
      into current applications.
  6                                         Up to 50% Lighter
      Operating Temperature
                                            Minimum 85% Optical
       •  LWB 101 -65ºC to +150ºC Tin plated
       •  LWB 103 -65ºC to +200ºC Nickel plated  Coverage
  8    InstaLite  101 and 103 Lightweight Tubular Braid
                               Optical                  Cable     Pack   Weight
                   Former Ø               Resistance
  9    Part No.               Coverage                 Bundle     Size   Nom.
                     mm      Min.   Nom.   ohms/km  m    kg/km
  10   LWB-10X-3.0  3.0 (±0.13)  90.0 %  93.7 %  28.0  3.0  4.5    100    8.5
       LWB-10X-6.0  6.0 (±0.25)  90.0 %  91.3 %  18.0  4.5  8.0    100    15.5
       LWB-10X-10.0  10.0 (±0.25)  90.0 %  96.4 %  9.0  8.0  15.0  100    28.0
       LWB-10X-20.0  20.0 (±0.25)  85.0 %  86.0 %  7.0  15.0  25.0  50    45.0
       Weight excludes that of the former
      Up to 50% lighter than
      traditional copper braid
                                            Environmental Performance
      Optical Coverage Min. 85% up          Salt spray:   ASTM B117
      to Max. 96%                           Flex endurance:   1000 cycles min., SAE AS4373
                                                          method 704 (180º bend)
  15 Better low-frequency
      performance than plated fibres        Comparison                    LWB-103 vs RAY-103
                                            Tensile strength [N/mm ]    758    220
  16 or micro-filaments
                                            Break strength [N]      15.2    11.1
      INSTALITE-103-10 passes               DC Resistance [mΩ/m]   9.0    3.5
  17                                        Weight [kg/km]        28*    41*
      21kA waveform 5B lightning
                                            Optical coverage [%]     90    93
  18                                        Figures for braid with nominal diameter of 10.0mm
                                            * Denotes nominal weight

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