Page 53 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 53

Wire and Cable
                                                  NEMA WC27500 • M27500
                                                         Airframe and Equipment Wire
                                                    Military and Commercial Aerospace

        85%   90%   M27500
       Shield Shield  Cable Terminology  Component Wire ID Method
         -    C   Preferred, table 3A  White wire with colour stripes. Wire 1 no stripe. Wires 11-15 double stripes  2
         F    H   Preferred, table 3B  White wire with colour stripes. Wires 11-15 insulation is colour, stripe is white
         A    D   Opt’ method A, table 3A  Solid coloured wire. Wires 11-15 have a stripe in a lighter shade of base colour
         G    J   Opt’ method A, table 3B  Solid coloured wire. Wires 11-15 insulation is first colour, stripe is second colour
         B    E   Opt’ method B, table 3C  Wire colour based on AWG size. Band of contrasting colour denotes wire number
         K    M   Opt’ method C, table 3C  Wire colour based on AWG size. No’s of contrasting colour printed denotes wire No.  4
         L    N   Opt’ method D   White wires with numbers of contrasting colour printed to denote wire number



               x2                       Max
       Symbol       Shield Style               #    Specification  #  Specification
              Shield                   Temp.
         U      -   No Shield            -     CA   MIL-W-22759/13  RE  MIL-W-22759/12
         T      V   Tin Plated Copper, Round  150ºC  CB  MIL-W-22759/14  SA  MIL-W-22759/7
         S     W    Silver Plated Copper, Round  200ºC  CC  MIL-W-22759/15  SB  MIL-W-22759/32  10
         N      Y   Nickel Copper, Round  260ºC  E  MIL-W-22759/2  SC  MIL-W-22759/33
         F      Z   Stainless Steel, Round  400ºC  EA  MIL-W-22759/1  SD  MIL-W-22759/34
         C      R   Heavy Nickel Plated Cu, Round  400ºC  JB  MIL-W-22759/28  SE  MIL-W-22759/35
         M      K   Silver Plated HSCA, Round  200ºC  JC  MIL-W-22759/29  SM  MIL-W-22759/41
         P      L   Nickel Plated HSCA, Round  260ºC  JD  MIL-W-22759/30  SN  MIL-W-22759/42  12
         G      A   Silver Plated Copper, Flat  200ºC  JE  MIL-W-22759/31  SP  MIL-W-22759/43
         H      B   Silver Plated HSCA, Flat  200ºC  LE  MIL-W-22759/9  SR  MIL-W-22759/44  13
          *     #   Nickel Plated Copper, Flat  260ºC  LH  MIL-W-22759/10  SS  MIL-W-22759/45
          J     D   Tin Plated Copper, Flat  150ºC  MD  MIL-W-81044/5  TA  MIL-W-22759/8
         E      X   Nickel Plated HSCA, Flat  260ºC  ME  MIL-W-81044/6  TE  MIL-W-22759/16
          I     Q   Nickel Chromium Alloy, Flat  400ºC  MF  MIL-W-81044/7  TF  MIL-W-22759/17
                                               MG   MIL-W-81044/8  TG  MIL-W-22759/18  15
                                               MH   MIL-W-81044/9  TH  MIL-W-22759/19
                                               MJ   MIL-W-81044/10  TK  MIL-W-22759/20
                                               MK   MIL-W-81044/11  TL  MIL-W-22759/21
                                               ML   MIL-W-81044/12  TM  MIL-W-22759/22
        Notes and Comments                     MM   MIL-W-81044/13  TN  MIL-W-22759/23  17
         1  PVC materials shall not be used for aerospace  RA  MIL-W-22759/3  VA  MIL-W-22759/5
         2  Not for Naval Air Systems Command usage  RB  MIL-W-22759/4  WA  MIL-W-22759/6  18
         3  Inactive for new design            RC   MIL-W-22759/11

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