Numerous types of screening backshell adaptors are available to suit performance needs, from superior EMC/EMI shielding performance HexaShield to KTKK backshell assemblies and Tinel Lock adapters.
Braided Tail is pre-terminated with screening braid to accommodate a range of cable diameters and military approvals. These spin-coupling adaptors have a short length of tubular braided shield attached to the rear of the adaptor. The braid is constructed from tinned copper wire and has handling characteristics that enables application to a wide range of cable diameters. This allows a standard entry size to be used with most cable sizes. Straight, 45° and 90° configurations are available. The shield is terminated to the cable braid using a SolderSleeve® device, which provides screen continuity through to the connector.
KTKK cable assemblies are one-part assemblies for screened and unscreened cables. Constructed from heat-shrinkable screened moulded parts and connector adapters, the assembly consists of parts already well proven in harsh military environments.
Hexashield provides optimum protection in commercial and military applications. Hexashield is designed to provide optimum EMC protection solutions for both commercial and military applications, representing a significant improvement over pigtail termination methods.