Multi-conductor cables provide high performancecustom designed solutions for the most demandingapplications and environments, including but not limitedto Aerospace, Marine and Industrial markets.
Consideration should be given to the selection ofcomponents used in the cable, to ensure the rightcombination of physical, chemical and electricalproperties is achieved to meet your specific applicationrequirements.
High-performance component wires and miniaturecoaxial cables are combined with unique cable jacketmaterials to meet the requirements of demandingenvironments. We can provide a rapid response toany design requests, supported by the highest qualitymanufacturing standards.
Cable engineers and buyers can spend valuable timeand resource sourcing relatively short lengths of high performance bespoke multi-core cables. Increasinglyhowever, they are burdened by large minimum orderquantities and extended lead times, commonlydemanded by today⁡s cable manufacturers.
Our Prototype Cable Service is the resultof investment in plant and machinery combined withthe excellent in-house knowledge of our production anddesign team.
By using our novel combination of machine cabledcomponents insulated with a heat-shrink jacket, weaim to build and deliver your cable within 4 weeks ofreceiving your order for cable designs made fromstocked components.