Page 47 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 47

Wire and Cable
                                                     SAE AS22759 • M22759
                                                                    Equipment Wire
                                                    Military and Commercial Aerospace

        M22759/20 to /31  Extruded PTFE Insulation                                1
 M27500  Conductor   Temp.  Volt.  M27500  Conductor       Temp.   Volt.
 Reference  Insulation  AWG  Reference  Insulation                         AWG
 Identifier  Plating  Rating   Rating  Identifier  Plating  Rating  Rating
 M22759/5  VA  Silver  Extruded PTFE*  200ºC  600 V  24 to 20  M22759/20  TK  Silver HSCA  Extruded PTFE  200ºC  1000 V  28 to 20
 M22759/6  WA  Nickel  Extruded PTFE*  260ºC  600 V  24 to 20  M22759/21  TL  Nickel HSCA  Extruded PTFE  260ºC  1000 V  28 to 20
 M22759/7  SA  Silver  Extruded PTFE*  200ºC  600 V  24 to 8  M22759/22  TM  Silver HSCA  Extruded PTFE  200ºC  600 V  28 to 20
 M22759/8  TA  Nickel  Extruded PTFE*  260ºC  600 V  24 to 8  M22759/23  TN  Nickel HSCA  Extruded PTFE  260ºC  600 V  28 to 20
 M22759/9  LE  Silver  Extruded PTFE  200ºC  1000 V  28 to 10  M22759/28  JB  Silver  Extruded PTFE/Polyimide  200ºC  600 V  28 to 10
 M22759/10  LH  Nickel  Extruded PTFE  260ºC  1000 V  28 to 8  M22759/29  JC  Nickel  Extruded PTFE/Polyimide  260ºC  600 V  28 to 10
 M22759/11  RC  Silver  Extruded PTFE  200ºC  600 V  28 to 8  M22759/30  JD  Silver HSCA  Extruded PTFE/Polyimide  200ºC  600 V  28 to 20
 M22759/12  RE  Nickel  Extruded PTFE  260ºC  600 V  28 to 8  M22759/31  JE  Nickel HSCA  Extruded PTFE/Polyimide  260ºC  600 V  28 to 10


        M22759/32 to /46  Extruded XL-ETFE Insulation
                   M27500  Conductor                       Temp.  Voltage
        Reference                      Insulation                          AWG
                  Identifier  Plating                      Rating  Rating
        M22759/32    SB    Tin         Extruded XL-ETFE     150ºC  600 V  30 to 12
        M22759/33    SC    Silver HSCA  Extruded XL-ETFE    200ºC  600 V  30 to 20
        M22759/34    SD    Tin         Extruded XL-ETFE Dual Wall*  150ºC  600 V  24 to 00
        M22759/35    SE    Silver HSCA  Extruded XL-ETFE Dual Wall  200ºC  600 V  26 to 20
        M22759/41   SM     Nickel      Extruded XL-ETFE Dual Wall*  200ºC  600 V  26 to 00
        M22759/42    SN    Nickel HSCA  Extruded XL-ETFE Dual Wall  200ºC  600 V  26 to 20
        M22759/43    SP    Silver      Extruded XL-ETFE Dual Wall*  200ºC  600 V  26 to 00
 M27500  Conductor  Temp.  Voltage   M22759/44  SR  Silver  Extruded XL-ETFE  200ºC  600 V  28 to 12
 Reference  Insulation  AWG
 Identifier  Plating  Rating  Rating  M22759/45  SS  Nickel  Extruded XL-ETFE  200ºC  600 V  28 to 12  13
 M22759/16  TE  Tin  Extruded ETFE  150ºC  600 V  24 to 00  M22759/46  ST  Nickel HSCA  Extruded XL-ETFE  200ºC  600 V  28 to 20
 M22759/17  TF  Silver HSCA  Extruded ETFE  150ºC  600 V  26 to 20  * Denotes polymeric braid as outer sheath on certain sizes   14
 M22759/18  TG  Tin  Extruded ETFE  150ºC  600 V  26 to 10
 M22759/19  TH  Silver HSCA  Extruded ETFE  150ºC  600 V  26 to 20




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