Page 227 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 227
Moulded Parts
Moulded Part Material
Semi-flexible low fire hazard
Designed for use with Zerohal cable and tubing 1
for applications where hazard reduction in the
LFH event of fire is crucial. The material exhibits 2
excellent fire safety characteristics plus low-
Low Fire smoke and low emission while retaining good
mechanical and fluid resistant properties.
Parts with adhesive lining provide location, 3
FREE sealing and strain relief of cable connector
terminations and cable to cable transitions on
harnesses used where there is a need to lower
RoHS the risk. The standard colour is black.
compliant 5
Operating Temperature
• From -30ºC to 105ºC
Specifications & Approvals 6
• Def. Stan 59-97, Issue 3, Type DF (Europe) Installation
• BSG 198 Part 5 Type DF (Europe) • Minimum shrink temperature 120ºC
• BR1326 listed Class C • Recommended shrink temperature 150ºC 7
• VG95343 Part 29 & 30
Product Characteristics, -100 material 8
Specification Requirements Test Method
Tensile strength 8 MPa (min) ISO 37 9
Ultimate elongation 200% (min) ISO 37
2% secant modulus 130 MPa (max) ASTM D 882
Specific gravity 1.5 (max) ISO 1183
Heat aging for 168 hrs @ 150ºC Ultimate elongation 150% (min) ISO 188, ISO 37
Thermal Heat shock for 4 hrs @ 225ºC No dripping, cracking or flowing ASTM D 2671
Low temperature flex @ -30ºC No cracking during mandrel bend ASTM D 2671
Limiting oxygen index 29 min. ISO 4589-2
Temperature index 250ºC (min) ISO 4589-3
Fire Safety Flammability 100 s (max.) ASTM D 635 13
Smoke index 20 (max.) BSG 198 Part 5
Toxicity index 5 )max.) per 100g NES 713
Electrical Electric strength 15 MV/m (min) IEC 243
0.75% (max.) @ 23ºC
Water absorption - ISO 62
3.5% (max.) @ 70ºC
Tensile strength 5 MPa (min) ISO 1817 and ISO 37
ISO 1817 Gasoline fuel 16
Ultimate elongation 150% (min) after immersion for 24 hrs @ 23ºC
Tensile strength 5 MPa (min) ISO 1817 and ISO 37
Fluid resistance Lubricating oil O-149
Ultimate elongation 150% (min) after immersion for 24 hrs @ 50ºC 17
Tensile strength 5 MPa (min) ISO 1817 and ISO 37
Hydraulic fluid H515
Ultimate elongation 150% (min) after immersion for 24 hrs @ 23ºC
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