Page 223 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 223

Moulded Parts
                                                               Moulded Part Material
                                                         Semi-rigid modified Polyolefin

                                             Designed for use in general harnessing   1
                                             applications where toughness is required and
                                             systems are occasionally exposed to fluids
                                             or heat. The adhesive-lined parts provide   2
                                             excellent sealing and strain relief at connector-
                                             cable terminations and transitions. A wide
                                             range of shapes are available in this material.   3
                                             The standard colour is black.
                                             Operating Temperature
                                      RoHS     •  From -55ºC to 135ºC
                                      compliant                                   5
                                               •  Minimum shrink temperature 125ºC
       Specifications & Approvals              •  Recommended shrink temperature 150ºC  6
        •  UL-224, File E85381
        •  SAE-AS81765/1, Type I
        •  Def. Stan. 59-97 Issue 3 Type DA (Europe)                              7
        •  BS-G-198-5-DA (Europe)
       Product Characteristics, -3 material                                       8
                                        Specification Requirements  Test Method
                    Tensile strength    10.5 MPa (min)       ISO 37; ASTM D 412   9
                    Ultimate elongation  250% (min)          ISO 37; ASTM D 412
                    2% secant modulus   80 - 160 MPa         ASTM D 882          10
                    Specific gravity    1.4 (max)            ISO 1183; ASTM D 792
                    Heat aging for 168 hrs @ 175ºC  Ultimate elongation 150% (min)  ISO 188, ISO 37
                    Heat shock for 4 hrs @ 225ºC  No dripping, cracking or flowing  ASTM D 2671
                    Low temperature flex @ -55ºC  No cracking during mandrel bend  RK-6703, CL 2.7: RT-301
                    Flammability        Self-extinguishing   RK-6703, CL 2.8: ASTM D 635
       Electrical   Electric strength   8 MV/m (min)         IEC 243
       Water absorption  -              0.5% (max)           ISO 62
                                        Tensile strength 8.5 MPa (min)  ISO 1817 and ISO 37
                    Aviation fuel F40
                                        Ultimate elongation 200% (min)  after immersion for 24 hrs @ 23ºC  14
                                        Tensile strength 8.5 MPa (min)  ISO 1817 and ISO 37
       Fluid resistance  Lubricating oil O-149
                                        Ultimate elongation 200% (min)  after immersion for 24 hrs @ 23ºC
                    Phosphate ester hydraulic fluid  Tensile strength 8.5 MPa (min)  ISO 1817 and ISO 37
                    (DTD 900/4881 A)    Ultimate elongation 200% (min)  after immersion for 24 hrs @ 23ºC


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