Page 219 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 219

Moulded Parts
                                                                    CES 1 to 5
                                                               Bulkhead Feedthrough

                                             Cable Entry Seals provide a watertight, fume   1
                                             tight seal where cables enter connection
                                             boxes, bulkheads or enclosures. Threaded
                                             single part assembly CES glands are also   2
                                               •  SAE-AS81765/1 Type 1
                                               •  Temperature rating -55ºC to 90ºC
                                               •  Minimum shrink temperature 121ºC
                                             Ordering Information
                                               •  Standard colour Black.
                                Material options  •  Size selection please refer to table below.  5
                                               •  Packaged individually
                                             Part number example
                                      RoHS   Standard black nylon cable entry seal, with
                                      compliant  nose internal (J) diameter 30.48mm supplied   7
                                             and 12.7mm fully recovered.
       Other styles and derivatives, including multi leg                          8
       variants and single piece male thread glands,   Stainless steel cable entry seal version of
       are also available to special order, please
       contact us for details.               CES-3 above                          9

 Product Dimensions Selection Table  Product Dimensions Selection Table          10
 Dimensions as Supplied  Dimensions After Recovery  Dimensions as Supplied  Dimensions After Recovery
 M  P  R  S  U  JO                            B      C      P     T     Max Panel   11
 Dimension  H  J  H  J  Weight  Dimension  J  J  “A Thread”
 Thread  ±10%  ±10%  ±20%  ±10%  ±10%        ±0.5   Ref.   Ref.   Ref.  Thickness
 Part Number  Part Number
 207W213  13.2  6.6  6.6  3.6  46.2  30.5  15.7  1.52  1.02  1.02  2.3g  CES-1-xx  12.7  4.07  1”-12 UNF  19.05  35.56  62.23  5.34  6.35
 207W223  26.9  13.2  13.2  6.9  93.2  57.2  33.0  2.54  1.52  1.52  16.2g  CES-2-xx  19.05  6.35  1”-12 UNF  19.05  35.56  62.23  5.34  6.35
 207W234  38.6  19.3  18.8  9.7  135.1  88.9  45.7  3.05  1.78  1.78  38.3g  CES-3-xx  30.48  12.7  1 3/8”-12 UNF  27.94  48.26  90.17  7.88  9.65
 207W245  55.6  26.9  25.4  12.4  192.0  121.9  71.1  4.57  3.05  3.05  143g  CES-4-xx  40.64  19.05  2”-8 UN  39.62  68.58  97.79  7.88  12.70
 207W256  91.4  45.7  54.6  27.4  390.4  254.0  127.0  7.11  4.57  4.57  862g  CES-5-xx  70.48  35.06  3 3/8”-8 UN  73.66  104.14  190.50  7.88  19.05
 All dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated. Weight is based on polyolefin part  All dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated.
        xx - Screw Gland Materials Available
           Material  Material Description
          Leave Blank  Standard black nylon material, omit the last two X’s in the part number
             AL      Aluminium 6061-T6 with finish of hard anodize per MIL-A-8652F, Type III, Class 2, Dyed black
             SS      Stainless Steel type 316, with finish of passivate per ASTM-A967

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