Page 220 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 220

Moulded Parts
      TCFS and TCFR
      Screened and Non-screened
      Bulkhead Feedthrough

  1   Provides environmental sealing and screen
      continuity where a cable passes through a
  2   The assembly consists of a specifically
      designed locknut and O-ring seal, onto the
      rear of which is pre-installed a heat-shrinkable
      moulded part.
      Feedthrough installation is simply effected
  4   by tightening the locknut on the rear of the
      bulkhead, which compresses the O-ring and
      ensures that a knife-edge provides electrical
  5   contact between the assembly and bulkhead.

  6   TCFS 12 62C - 0 20 100 A H            Part Numbering example

                                            ADHESIVE SYSTEM
                                            E    Epoxy (please contact us)
                                            H    S1030 hot melt
                                            W    S1048 hot melt
                                            MOULDED PART TYPE
  9                                         A    Straight unscreened
                                            B    90º unscreened
                                            C    Straight screened
  10                                        D    45º screened
                                            E    90º screened (16 to 36 only)
  11                                        MOULDED PART MATERIAL
                                            25   Semi-rigid elastomer, or 25S if screened
                                            100   Low fire hazard, or 100S if screened
                                            THREAD LENGTH
                                            20   Standard length (mm)
                                            ASSEMBLY MODIFICATION CODE
                                            0    Standard assembly
                                            1    Double sided assembly
                                            2    Same as 1 but with potting ports
  15                                        3    locknut
                                            MATERIAL and FINISH
  16                                        See table opposite
                                            SIZE - See product dimensions table
                                            TCFR Full length moulded part
  18                                        TCFS Shortened moulded part (straight only)

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