Page 198 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 198

Moulded Parts
      202D921 to 963                         As supplied
      Straight, long tail boot

  1   Mechanical protection and cable connector   H Dia.                  J Dia.
      strain relief. Ideal for applications where only a
      small number of contacts are utilised, resulting
  2   in the need for a high ratio boot to match the
      connector to cable diameter.
  3   Ordering Information
                                             After Recovery
       •  Please specify the product name, size,
  4      material, coating and any modifications             P
         required, as per Part Number System
         earlier in this section.
  5    •  Adhesive coating is optional. If added                  JO       J Dia.
         the entry dimensions will be reduced by
                                              H Dia.
  6    •  Moulded parts are individually packaged.
       •  Dimensions apply to all available materials
         unless otherwise stated.
  8   Product Dimensions Selection Table
               Dimensions as Supplied          Dimensions After Recovery
  9    Dimension  H       J         H     J    P ±10%  JO ±10%  HW ±10% JW ±20%  Weight
         Material  All  3, 4, 25  12, 100
      Part Number
      202D921   19.3  6.3    4.5   13.0   2.1   60.2  37.6   1.52   1.14  1.9g
      202D932   26.1  7.6    5.5   19.1   2.6   74.2  45.0   1.78   1.14  3.7g
      202D953   34.2  9.6    6.6   26.0   3.1   84.3  51.1   1.78   1.14  6.4g
      202D963   43.6  11.4   7.8   34.1   3.6   99.6  57.7   1.78   1.14  13.0g
      All dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated. Weight is based on polyolefin part
      Injection and potting ports also available see part number system earlier in this section


      Materials Available                    Environmental Adhesives Available
           Material     Material Description  Optional Pre-coat  Optional User Applied
             -3         Semi-rigid polyolefin    /42 or /86     S-1017 or S-1048
  16         -4          Flexible polyolefin     /42 or /86     S-1017 or S-1048
             -12          Fluoro-elastomer         N/A            S-1255-04
  17         -25       Fluid resistant elastomer  /42 or /86 or /225  S-1017 or S-1048 or S-1125
            -100         Polyolefin, Zerohal     /86 or /180    S-1048 or S-1030
      For more information on materials and adhesives, please refer to relevant sections of this catalogue.

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