Page 214 - IS-Rayfast Catalogue - Issue 9, 2017
P. 214

Moulded Parts
      PD Caps
      Polyolefin                            3:1
      Encapsulant lined, semi-rigid        shrink

  1   Inexpensive way to encapsulate crimped
      electrical connections. Encapsulant lining melts
      and flows to fill surface irregularities of the
  2   substrate. These vibration proof caps are used
      to insulate and terminate dead-end electrical
      cables, fixtures, connectors and other electrical
  3   components.
      Features & Benefits
       •  Rapid and simple installation
       •  Splash and moisture resistant    RoHS
  5                                        compliant
      Operating Temperature
       •  From -55ºC to +110ºC
  6                                         Specifications & Approvals
      Installation                           •  UL E85381 600v, 125ºC
       •  Minimum shrink temperature +125ºC
  7    •  Minimum full recovery +135ºC

  8       Length Supplied     Inside Diameter  Wall Thickness
        Nominal   Minimum   Maximum   Maximum      Nominal   Part Number
         Overall   Open Barrel  Supplied  Recovered   Recovered
         25.4       12.7      3.18      0.58        1.22     PD-CAP-1/8-0
         25.4       15.2      4.75      1.52        1.57     PD-CAP-3/16-0
         28.4       15.2      6.35      2.03        1.98     PD-CAP-1/4-0
         31.8       18.3      9.53      2.29        2.08     PD-CAP-3/8-0
         38.1       21.6      12.7      2.29        2.54     PD-CAP-1/2-0
      Wall thickness will be less if tubing recovery is restricted during shrinkage.
  12  All dimensions in millimetres unless otherwise stated.

                As Supplied                   Fully Recovered



  17 Part Number Example; PD-CAP-1/4-0      6.35mm inside diameter, Black end cap.
      Ordering Information
      Standard colours:   0=Black
  18  Size selection:    The largest size that will recover snugly over the component(s).

    212    |  +44(0)1793 616700
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